Diablo Action Pistol

The Best Fun You Can Have With A Gun!

Diablo Action Pistol (DAP) is Volunteer Run & Volunteer Staffed with many dedicated individual shooters. Our organization would not be possible without their help.
Diablo Action Pistol calls its home at the United Sportsmen Inc Range in Concord CA. Diablo Action Pistol is sponsored by the Diablo Rod & Gun Club.


EMAIL — Class@DiabloActionPistol.Com

Diablo Action Pistol Orientation Class: All shooters must complete and pass the orientation class requirements using a centerfire pistol (9mm thru 45 cal, no magnum loads) from a holster in order to get certified to shoot on the Action Pistol Range.

The orientation class is NOT FOR NEW SHOOTERS/GUN OWNERS.

Participants should be familiar with their guns and equipment, have fired a min of 1000 rounds with their pistol and be able to demonstrate a level of proficiency, keeping all shots in a 8″ circle at 10 yards. Each participant needs to bring or have a photo of a current USI waiver range card (“Blue or Green” card) to shoot at the range. If you do not have a current card go to https://unitedsportsmen.com/waiver/ for more information, watch the videos and take the online quiz prior to the class.

Shooters are taught range requirements and safety and given an introduction into the games and their rules that are played at the DAP range.

Each shooter will also need to bring at least the minimum equipment needed as shown at the end of this page. After the conclusion of the orientation class, new participants are required to compete in one of the next 3 Steel Challenge Matches held on the 2nd Sunday of the month and complete the match without disqualification (USPSA matches ok with instructor approval). Should the next match be full, students need to sign up for either of the next 2 matches i.e. participate in a match within 90 days of the class. Attending practice at DAP is strongly encouraged between the class and your first match.

MINIMUM Equipment needed Semi-Auto pistol chambered in 9mm or larger and a Minimum of 3 Magazines (5 REQUIRED for a match) or Double-Action Revolver chambered in 9mm or larger and a Minimum of 3 speed loaders or Moon Clips (7 REQUIRED for a match) Holster that covers the full trigger guard of the firearm and does not have a snap or velcro strap that holds the firearm in the holster. Gun belt that can be or are secured to pants/shorts (typically through belt loops) – 2 piece belt systems are OK. Eye protection. Ear protection. Closed toe shoes.
MINIMUM of 50 rounds of ammo, recommend bringing 100 or more rounds * A minimum of 12 students registered 3 days prior to the class is required for the class to be held, if less than the minimum are registered the class will be canceled and students can move to the next open class or request a refund. The orientation class is not, nor is it intended to be firearms training. It is merely meant to show shooters the Action Pistol Range rules and requirements and to introduce the shooters to the types of games played on the Action Pistol Range.

There are only two ways to qualify to shoot at DR&GC’s Action Pistol events. 1) Take our orientation class and shoot a match within 90 days of your class without being disqualified (DQ’ed) for a safety violation during the match. Failure to complete a match within the 3 month period after the orientation class requires that you pay for and take the class over again and still shoot a match within the next 3 month period. Or 2) Have a Classification in any of the major shooting disciplines (USPSA. SCSA, IDPA or ICORE) above the ranking of “U” (unclassified).

The orientation Class is presented every other month on the first Saturday of the month from 0730 to ~1:00 You must sign up for the class on Practiscore.com and the class will open the Monday after the previous Class was presented. Typically it is full in 4 to 5 days from the time it opens, so you are signing up 2 months in advance of the class. You must create a free profile on Practiscore.com to use the site and you would search under Clubs in the header “DAP” for Diablo Action Pistol. Select DAP and scroll down to the column on the right “Events” you should see Diablo Action Pistol – Orientation to Action Pistol Shooting Class. The opening date is also listed in the event description. As noted in the questions above, the class sells out in 4 to 5 days from opening. The class holds 20 students. When registering for the match be sure to click :”more” on the description field and copy and paste the information and required gear needed to attend the class. Don’t send us an email asking what gear you need… Look at the page.

Practiscore.com is the Website to register for shooting matches, Shooting events and checking your match scores nationwide. This where you would register as well as check your scores for 99.9% of all shooting Matches and events in the USA.

A – The Orientation Class is $90 to Diablo Rod and Gun Club members and $100 to non club members

A – You will need a minimum of 50 rounds but it is suggested to bring at least 100 rounds

for Centerfire divisions 9mm / 38 special. There are 22 Rimfire divisions in Steel Challenge

The minimum Caliber is 38 Special in Revolvers and 9mm in Semi Autos

Steel Challenge is referred to as “drag racing with firearms” There are 4 steel target plates and a STOP plate, you shoot them as fast as you can with the Stop plate shot last. Three are 13 different firearm divisions. You do this 5 times in a row and your slowest string is thrown out (hence the requirement of having 5 magazines) There are only 8 stages of Steel Challenge and they are shot world wide, all laid out exactly the same so your times are compared to all the other shooters in the world. Classifications are “U”- unclassified, “D”, “C”, “B”, “A”, “M”-Master and “GM”- Grand Master. The times of the best shooters in the world set the times it takes to make each class and the time normally are reduced by tenths of a second as the fastest shooters set new records each year. If you want more information … Google and watch youtube videos

  • Rimfire Pistol Irons
  • Rimfire Pistol Optics
  • PCCO
  • PCCI
  • Rimfire Rifle Irons
  • Rimfire Rifle Optics
  • Revolver Irons
  • Revolver Optics
  • Open –  Anything goes
  • Limited – Allows more modification than Production guns
  • Single Stack – john Browning 1911 style pistols 
  • Carry Optics – Stock pistols with “Red Dot style” Optic sights / must be mounted to slide
  • Production –  Stock pistols 

The United States Practical Shooting Association (IPSC in the rest of the world) is the premier competitive shooting organization in the USA. It is dedicated to safe, fair and fun shooting sports. Members engage in dynamic and challenging courses of fire (run and gun) where speed, accuracy and cartridge power are equally tested / scored.

Basically the same as above, but with a revolver

The International Defensive Pistol Association is a shooting sport based on defensive pistol techniques, using equipment including full-charged service ammunition to solve simulated “real world” self-defense scenarios. Shooters are required to use practical handguns and holsters that are deemed suitable for self-defense and are concealable under the required cover garment.

There is no membership fee to join practiscore.com, but to be a member of Diablo Action Pistol on Practiscore.com you must first be a paid member of Diablo Rod and Gun Club. Beside the Club discounts, The advantages of being a member of DAP on Practiscore.com is you will get to sign up early to USPSA and IDPA matches Before the general public. To join DAP on Practiscore.com click the “Join our club on Practiscore”. Note that you must send a picture of your payment receipt from joining Diablo Rod and Gun Club or a picture of your membership card to “matchsupport@diabloactionpistol.com”. After we confirm you are a member of DR&GC we will approve your Practiscore.com / DAP membership request. This is not an automated function. It may take a day or two as we have to view emails and check requests, we are not sitting at our computers waiting for someone to send in a request, hopefully we’re at the range shooting.


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