Week of Events
Airgun Wednesdays
Airgun Wednesdays
Fun Airgun Only shooting session at the MPR- look for the big red flag on the pole that says "MPR"- that's us! Open to public, airguns .30 cal and below. Benches available, targets and stands, 200 yard range. Good group of people. All types of airguns- springers, PCP's, Pistols. Eye protection required, ear protection optional [...]
.22 Silhouette Practice and Airguns welcome!
.22 Silhouette Practice and Airguns welcome!
22 Rimfire and Air guns only- Silhouette target shooting at the MPR. Offhand/Standing shooting at Metal Animal silhouettes with rifles or pistols, open or scoped sights allowed. Benches are available during this practice period every Wednesday Members of all 5 clubs are welcome. Fees are collected at the Multi Purpose Range, not at the USI Clubhouse . [...]
Airgun & 22LR Thursdays
Airgun & 22LR Thursdays
Fun Airgun AND .22 LR from NOON ONWARD... session at the MPR- look for the big red flag on the pole that says "MPR"- that's us! Open to public, airguns .30 cal and below AND .22 LR. Benches available, targets and stands, 200 yard range. Good group of people. All types of Airguns- springers, PCP's, [...]
NRL .22 Practice
NRL .22 Practice
Airguns and 22 Rifles From 9am till around 1pm… This really depends on staffing so plan for 1pm and tip your RO if it goes later!! The session is at the MPR- look for the big red flag on the pole that says “MPR”- that’s us! Open to public, airguns .30 cal and below [...]
10 Meter Indoor Airgun Match
10 Meter Indoor Airgun Match
The Airgun League runs from January through April. The shoots are on the 4th Friday of each of those months with events for rifle and pistol. All shooting is done offhand (standing) at paper targets. The format is “shoulder to shoulder”, without point dividers, so some shooting experience is required. There is no coaching or [...]
All Club Members Shoot – MPR – 22’s and Air Guns Only – 5th Saturdays
All Club Members Shoot – MPR – 22’s and Air Guns Only – 5th Saturdays
22 rifles, 22 pistols and air guns from 9 - 4. All club members are invited! PRICING: Members shoot for $10 Members with VIP shoot for $5 Any RSO's shoot for $5 RSO's with VIP shoot for $0 Responsible RSO shoots for $0
All Club Members Shoot – MPR – 22’s and Air Guns Only – 5th Sundays
All Club Members Shoot – MPR – 22’s and Air Guns Only – 5th Sundays
22 rifles, 22 pistols and air guns from 9 - 4. All club members are invited! PRICING: Members shoot for $10 Members with VIP shoot for $5 Any RSO's shoot for $5 RSO's with VIP shoot for $0 Responsible RSO shoots for $0