Range fee: $10 ($5 if you are a USI VIP Card holder) Bring exact change. Please note: There will be no Saturday practice on the 5th Saturday of a month, when those occur. The number of practice bays available may be impacted by competition stage setup needs.
We are holding the match at our overhead covered MPR Range for your shooting enjoyment. There are little steel animals waiting to be knocked down- come out and knock down your fair share! .22 cal and under, pellet only- pistol and rifle classes, we shoot rain or shine. Benched shooting for the match is available [...]
This is the Diablo Rod & Gun Monthly Membership Meeting. This is traditionally a business meeting where club business is cared for. Activity chairs are normally present to give updates on their activities. New business is announced and the club President give his monthly update at this meeting. This meeting is the place to find [...]
Range fee: $10 ($5 if you are a USI VIP Card holder) Bring exact change. Please note: There will be no Saturday practice on the 5th Saturday of a month, when those occur. The number of practice bays available may be impacted by competition stage setup needs.
Schedule Registration: 7:45 AM - 8:30 AM You may pre-register and pre-pay here: https://practiscore.com/clubs/diablo-action-pistol Match: 9:00 AM - 2:00 PM Match Fee $25 ($20 if you have a valid United Sportsmen VIP Access Card) We prefer that you pre-register and pay on Practiscore, but if registering at match please bring exact change. Prerequisites Competitors must [...]
Range fee: $10 ($5 if you are a USI Access Card/VIP Card holder) Bring exact change. Please note: The number of practice bays available may be impacted by competition stage setup needs.
Range fee: $10 ($5 if you are a USI VIP Card holder) Bring exact change. Please note: There will be no Saturday practice on the 5th Saturday of a month, when those occur. The number of practice bays available may be impacted by competition stage setup needs.
3rd Saturday of the Month are for matches. NRL Matches runs from 9am-12pm for NRL22-style shooting — If you are new, please speak to the Practice Leader/RSO about how to shoot safely in advance . $5 for members with the USI VIP card $10 for members without the USI VIP card $15 for public (non-member)
Diablo Action Pistol / Diablo Action Wheel Gunners (DAWGs) will have a 5-stage ICORE match with at least one stage being a regulation Postal Match stage. Classified semi-auto shooters & DAP shooters who recently completed the Action Orientation class are welcome! You must complete the USI liability waiver online before match day: this involves watching [...]
Come and shoot skeet before the Club Social! Right before the social, you can purchase 1 or 2 skeet tokens at the club rate for the event. Not a free shoot, but a great group of people to be with! Location - Skeet Field 5
Gather and help set up at 5:15 eat at 5:45 PM. The Club will provide the food and drinks, including sodas, beer, wine, and spirits. Diablo members, family, and guests are invited to come by, and visit with other club members. Socials are always on the third Tuesday of the month.
We're meeting to do and discuss metallic cartridge and shotshell reloading. It's an an informal social gathering, but we generally have a specific discussion topic or activity each month. Those who are not interested are free to do other things. Bring your press (or arrange to use ours) if you want to reload Bring your [...]
Range fee: $10 ($5 if you are a USI VIP Card holder) Bring exact change. Please note: There will be no Saturday practice on the 5th Saturday of a month, when those occur. The number of practice bays available may be impacted by competition stage setup needs.
DETAILS Silhouette Event- 4th sunday from 9 - noon on the MPR for rimfire silhouette. Members of all 5 clubs are welcome. Diablo requested a portion of the MPR ( 8 positions). We operate concurrently with the usual USI public shoot for 2 hrs from 10 to 12. Both the public and the match break [...]
Range fee: $10 ($5 if you are a USI Access Card/VIP Card holder) Bring exact change. Please note: The number of practice bays available may be impacted by competition stage setup needs.