Event Series NRL22 Match

NRL22 Match

USI Multi Purpose Range 4700 Evora Road, Concord, CA

3rd Saturday of the Month are for matches.  NRL Matches runs from 9am-12pm for NRL22-style shooting — If you are new, please speak to the Practice Leader/RSO about how to shoot safely in advance . $5 for members with the  USI VIP card $10 for members without the USI VIP card $15 for public (non-member)

Event Series NRL22 Practice

NRL .22 Practice

USI Multi Purpose Range 4700 Evora Road, Concord, CA

To get involved you don’t need a DGRC or NRL22 membership - while a DGRC membership will save you on Range fees it’s not required. The NRL22 membership is only required if you want to report your score up to the National Org level because you’re vying to go to the big national level matches. [...]

Event Series NRL22 Match

NRL22 Match

USI Multi Purpose Range 4700 Evora Road, Concord, CA

3rd Saturday of the Month are for matches.  NRL Matches runs from 9am-12pm for NRL22-style shooting — If you are new, please speak to the Practice Leader/RSO about how to shoot safely in advance . $5 for members with the  USI VIP card $10 for members without the USI VIP card $15 for public (non-member)

Event Series NRL22 Practice

NRL .22 Practice

USI Multi Purpose Range 4700 Evora Road, Concord, CA

To get involved you don’t need a DGRC or NRL22 membership - while a DGRC membership will save you on Range fees it’s not required. The NRL22 membership is only required if you want to report your score up to the National Org level because you’re vying to go to the big national level matches. [...]

Event Series NRL22 Match

NRL22 Match

USI Multi Purpose Range 4700 Evora Road, Concord, CA

3rd Saturday of the Month are for matches.  NRL Matches runs from 9am-12pm for NRL22-style shooting — If you are new, please speak to the Practice Leader/RSO about how to shoot safely in advance . $5 for members with the  USI VIP card $10 for members without the USI VIP card $15 for public (non-member)

Event Series NRL22 Practice

NRL .22 Practice

USI Multi Purpose Range 4700 Evora Road, Concord, CA

To get involved you don’t need a DGRC or NRL22 membership - while a DGRC membership will save you on Range fees it’s not required. The NRL22 membership is only required if you want to report your score up to the National Org level because you’re vying to go to the big national level matches. [...]

Event Series NRL22 Match

NRL22 Match

USI Multi Purpose Range 4700 Evora Road, Concord, CA

3rd Saturday of the Month are for matches.  NRL Matches runs from 9am-12pm for NRL22-style shooting — If you are new, please speak to the Practice Leader/RSO about how to shoot safely in advance . $5 for members with the  USI VIP card $10 for members without the USI VIP card $15 for public (non-member)

Event Series NRL22 Practice

NRL .22 Practice

USI Multi Purpose Range 4700 Evora Road, Concord, CA

To get involved you don’t need a DGRC or NRL22 membership - while a DGRC membership will save you on Range fees it’s not required. The NRL22 membership is only required if you want to report your score up to the National Org level because you’re vying to go to the big national level matches. [...]

Event Series NRL22 Match

NRL22 Match

USI Multi Purpose Range 4700 Evora Road, Concord, CA

3rd Saturday of the Month are for matches.  NRL Matches runs from 9am-12pm for NRL22-style shooting — If you are new, please speak to the Practice Leader/RSO about how to shoot safely in advance . $5 for members with the  USI VIP card $10 for members without the USI VIP card $15 for public (non-member)

Event Series NRL22 Practice

NRL .22 Practice

USI Multi Purpose Range 4700 Evora Road, Concord, CA

To get involved you don’t need a DGRC or NRL22 membership - while a DGRC membership will save you on Range fees it’s not required. The NRL22 membership is only required if you want to report your score up to the National Org level because you’re vying to go to the big national level matches. [...]

December 2024
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